CPS Families Portal Frequently Asked Questions

  • CPS Families Portal Frequently Asked Questions 



    • Is there a CPS Families Portal app?
      • Yes, the ClassLink App for Families is available. It can be found in the Google Play and Apple App Store. The app is called ClassLink Launchpad.  Once installed, guardians will be prompted to search for a school. Enter "Columbia" and choose Columbia Public School for Families. The app opens a full version (not a mobile version) of the websites -- Schoology, Parentlink, etc. Single-sign-on for the apps we currently have it turned on for should work, though. 




    • How do I log in to the CPS Families Portal?
      • You will use your District Issued Guardian ID and the password you were emailed (or the password you changed to after the first login). If you do not know your Guardian ID and/or password, you can access that information at www.cpsk12.org/familyupdate or contact your child's school secretary. CPS Family Portal login instructions


    • How do I setup Password Recovery?
      • After logging into the CPS Families Portal the first time, it's recommended that you set up Password Recovery. This will allow you to recover your password without calling the Help Desk. Click on your avatar in the top right-hand corner of the screen, then click on My Profile.  On the left-hand side, select "Password Recovery Setup". Confirm the recovery email address you want to use and follow the steps to verify that email address if it isn't already.  Next, you will be able to answer questions you select or write, which will work as the challenge questions should you forget your password.  If you forget your password in the future, click "Help, I forgot my password," located under sign-in on the CPS Families login page.


    • The CPS Families Portal has asked me to install a ClassLink OneClick Extension. Do I need to do this?
      • It is recommended that you install the ClassLink OneClick Extension if prompted by your web browser. This extension allows easier access to certain applications when they are accessed through the CPS Families Portal – you will only have to type in your username and password one time, and the extension will remember it from there on out!  The ClassLink OneClick Extension also enables single-sign-on (SSO). 
      • If your browser does not prompt you to install the extension, it can be downloaded here:   (select your browser under LaunchPad)
      • Some browsers, such as Safari Mobile, do not support the ClassLink OneClick Extension. In the case of an iPhone or iPad, we recommend you use the Classlink Launchpad app for CPS Families Portal access from mobile devices. 
      • NOTE: Schoology is one of the apps that require the ClassLink OneClick Extension.  Without the extension, the CPS Families Portal cannot automatically log you in.


    • Can multiple people in my household use the CPS Families Portal / CPS Portal from the same computer?
      • We recommend that if guardians, staff, or students share a computer, they use separate Windows / macOS profiles on that computer. This will prevent caching issues which can cause problems with accessing apps from the Portal (Schoology, for instance).  If guardians, staff, or students do not have separate Windows / Mac profiles, we recommend that each fully logs out of apps and Portal before another member of the household attempts to access the CPS Families Portal / CPS Portal. Another option is to have each member use a different browser type (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, etc.).


    • Can I sort the icons in a way that makes sense to me?
      • To sort the icons, right-click on a blank space once logged into the CPS Families Portal and choose Sort By. You can also select Edit Mode for more ways to customize the layout of your particular CPS Families Portal. 
      • NOTE: If a folder has a lock on it, it is centrally managed and cannot be adjusted.  If you want to create a new folder in Edit Mode, you can move one item onto another.  You will need to hold it there until you see New Folder pop up as an option.  You can also select the New Folder option while in Edit Mode.


    • I work for the district, and I’m also a guardian. Will I access CPS digital resources for my students through the CPS Portal?
      • Guardians will access CPS digital resources for their students through the CPS Families Portal, found at  
      • NOTE: You will need to log out of your CPS Portal to log into your CPS Families Portal and vice versa. You can only be logged into one Portal at a time (unless you run two separate web browsers or use multiple Chrome sign-ins). 


    • Why do I use a district-issued Guardian ID instead of a username to log in?
      • We use a district-issued Guardian ID to keep access to the family portal as secure as possible. A District Issued Guardian ID also ensures that each guardian has an identifier unique to them. Using a District Issued Guardian ID is more secure than using the name, email address, or other easily identifiable username.


    • Who should I contact if I have questions about what I see when I log in to the CPS Families Portal?
      • If you have questions about what you see in the CPS Families Portal, please check with your student’s school. They can determine what applications you should have access to.