Green Cleaning Program

  • Green Cleaning The Custodial Services department adapted the 2009 Missouri Green Cleaning Guidelines and Specifications for Schools published by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. The Missouri Green Cleaning Guidelines promotes shared responsibilities to maintain healthy environments. We ask teachers to have the students stack chairs, clean off tables and desks, and pick up floor debris such as pencils, crayons, books, and large pieces of paper at the end of each day. This shared responsibility allows custodial staff to properly sanitize surfaces, promoting a healthier environment.
    With the importance of a well-trained staff, the Process Cleaning for Healthy Schools cleaning program is utilized to direct staff toward understanding how to clean for safer and healthier environments. The department utilizes Orbio Engineered Water, microfiber technology, Pro-Team backpack vacuums with Hepa filtration, Kaivac restroom cleaning machines, and EcoLogo Certified paper products and hand soap. 
    Green Cleaning awards: